Retreats: Seniors

Senior Discipleship Retreat

The senior-year Discipleship retreats have two main areas of focus: discernment and discipleship.

Discernment is a process of holy decision-making, and we want to equip the seniors to make prayerful and sound decisions as they go forth from Bishop Chatard. “Which college should I attend?” “Should I enter a trade or the military?” “Am I called to give my life to God and the Church as a religious sister or brother?” “What is God asking me to do with my life?” These questions and more can be answered as the fruit of prayerful and intentional discernment.

Discipleship means having a mature, adult faith in Jesus Christ. In a few months, seniors will no longer be taking theology classes or going to daily Mass on Thursdays at Bishop Chatard. How will a relationship with Christ and a commitment to the Church be a priority in the next phase of their lives? We hope to provide concrete tools for our students to continue actively engaging with their faith long after graduation.

Retreats are an essential part of being a Bishop Chatard student and all seniors are expected to attend. Over and over again, students tell us how much they appreciated their retreat after being hesitant to attend. Any student who has concerns about participating in the retreat is encouraged to reach out to Campus Ministry.

2024-25 Retreat Dates

  • Senior Retreat #1:October 6-7, 2024
  • Senior Retreat #2: October 27-28, 2024
  • Senior Retreat #3: February 2-3, 2025
  • Senior Retreat #4: March 9-10, 2025

Retreat Details

  • Retreats will be two days long (one overnight) and packed with fun and meaningful activities.
  • The first October retreat will be held at Lindenwood Retreat Center, Donaldson, IN. The others will held at St. Joseph Retreat Center, Tipton, IN.

Permission forms will be posted when available.